
عرض المشاركات من أبريل, 2020

Henry Weber dies due to Covid-19.

Henry weber dies due to Covid-19 : 👉His family announced to Agence France-Presse that former Senator and Mebriet Henry Weber, a guardian of May 68 who became part of the Socialist Party, died at the age of 75 due to the coronavirus. Henry Weber, son of Polish Jews born on June 23, 1944 in Leninabad in the USSR in Avignon, died of Covid-19. The emergence of Henry weber : 👉He appeared during the May 1968 demonstrations, and became a protester, but also a theorist. He later published many books on events, but also reflections on the left. The movement "68 was a great democratic and liberal impulse in the political and cultural sense of the term: one attacks all forms of discrimination," he admitted to AFP after 50 years. What founded Henry weber : 👉This academic, doctor and teacher of political philosophy, was one of the founders of the Revolutionary Communist League (LCR) in 1969, having been a member of Communist Youth and created, along with Alan Crevin, the...

A famous American doctor reveals who made the Corona virus and why? How are the statistics manipulated?

An American doctor named Rashid Battar revealed that there is a healthy conspiracy behind the Corona virus.And Battar during this interview is evidence from behind this plot. Watch the video :

Qu'a dit Emmanuel Macron dans son discours ?

1- Qu'a dit Emmanuel marron dans son discours ? 👉Le président français Emmanuel Macron adressera une lettre aux Français lundi soir, dans laquelle il devrait annoncer que les procédures de clôture pour contrer l'émergence du virus Corona se poursuivront pendant plusieurs semaines supplémentaires et détermineront comment le pays sortira de cette crise. Macron livre sa troisième allocution télévisée à la nation sur l'épidémie de Covid-19, depuis le palais de l'Elysée. Dans son dernier discours, il a annoncé des mesures pour fermer le pays afin de ralentir la propagation du virus à partir du 17 mars. Le discours de Macron intervient à mesure que les premiers signes d'un ralentissement de la prolifération en France apparaissent et que l'isolement commence à donner des résultats alors que la courbe est devenue stable, même à des niveaux élevés. La France a annoncé dimanche une baisse du nombre de décès de Covid-19 au cours des dernières 24 heures, avec ...


1- WHAT HAPPEND THE OIL OF AMERICA ? The price of US crude for May turned negative on Monday - something that has never happened since oil futures began trading on the New York Stock Exchange in 1983. It was easily the worst day on the oil market. On Monday, the price of US crude oil futures collapsed, bringing the price of a barrel to less than minus $ 37, for the first time in history. US crude for June delivery is still above $ 20 a barrel - but even this is catastrophic. Artam Abramov, head of shale oil research at Rystad Energy, said: "$ 30 is really bad, but once you reach $ 20 or even $ 10 it becomes a complete nightmare." During good times, oil companies assume a lot of debt. This means that some of them will not be able to survive this historic downturn. In a $ 20 barrel oil environment, 533 U.S. shale prospecting and production companies will file for bankruptcy by the end of 2021, according to Rystad Energy. The company estimates that when the price...

Kim jong un

1- WHO IS KIM JONG UN ? 👉H e is also known by other names such as Kim Jong Yun and Kim Jong Uni formerly known as Kim Jong Won or Kim Jong Won (born January 8, 1983) Marshall Corrie, who is the third and youngest son of former North Korean leader Kim Jong Il from his wife Ko Yong Hee.                                            2- IS KIM JONG UN AFRAID OF THE CORONA ViRUS ? 👉 The North Korean Central News Agency released a picture of Leader Kim Jong-un while attending military exercises with live ammunition, and the photo, which was taken at an undisclosed location, appeared very strange as the North Korean leader appeared singularly around him among the army leaders. And while everyone around him wore black gags, he was the only leader among them without a muzzle.  The leader also appears to be the only person able to challenge the new Coronavirus. Offici...


1- WHAT IS EARTH DAY ? Earth Day is an annual event held on the twenty-second of April of each year, to celebrate the environment and to raise awareness in the world of pollution, by implementing various activities around the world, such as: external activities, conferences, and service projects that increase awareness about the environment, where These events are organized by non-profit organizations. Earth Day, which appeared in 1970, has succeeded in achieving success in the world, such as: Clean Air Law, Clean Water Law, and the Endangered Species Law. 2- WHO INVENTED EARTH DAY ? American Senator Gaylord Nelson proposed to the American Senate his idea of ​​protecting the environment and increasing the cultural awareness of the people about it in 1962 AD, but it did not receive attention from the Council, thinking that the American people did not care about environmental issues, then the surprise came to the opposite when 20 million people came out To support the fir...


1- WHAT IS IMMUNITY ? The immune system represents the body’s defense line against infectious organisms, germs and other pathogenic microorganisms, through a series of steps called the immune response, thus maintaining overall health in the body and preventing infection. The immune system consists of a network of special cells, such as: blood cells White, thymus, spleen, lymph nodes, stem cells, and antibodies, as well as a group of tissues and organs that work together to achieve the necessary protection.                                                2- THE ROLE OF IMMUNITY IN THE BODY  ? There are many functions that the immune system performs in the body, including the following:                           https://digitalmobile.myctfo.com/shop.html?catekey=noncbdhlthnutri...


1- WHAT IS QUARANTINE : Quarantine is a measure that people who have been exposed to an infectious disease are subject to, and that is if they contracted or did not have the disease. In quarantine, the persons concerned are required to stay at home or any other place to prevent further spread of the disease to others, and to carefully monitor the effects of the disease on them and their health. Quarantine may be in a person’s home, or a private facility such as a dedicated hotel, or hospital. During quarantine, a person can do most of the things he can do in his home, within the limitations of the location he is in. Usually he is asked to take the temperature and to report daily to the health authorities about how he feels. Instructions are given to the person about what he or she can do with family members. 2- WHAT IS ITS EFFECT ON THE WORLD : Mental health professionals unanimously agree that the quarantine imposed on more than a billion people around the world be...


                          1- WORLD CONCERNS BY THE END OF 2019: By the end of 2019, fears around the world were that the global economy would experience a recession in the new year 2020, and on the basis of these expectations, governments began to arrange their conditions and adjust their nature in line with the expected possibilities. However, no one imagined him to become 2020 years of concern and controversy on the level of the entire world’s economies due to a virus that is seen only by very great microscopes, yet he was able to stop the movement of people, and here is the scene that brings us back to what resembles the first primitive times, Where the countries are isolated islands, and the lines and fortunes of globalization have retreated, and had it not been for the revolution of technology and communications, humanity may have reverted to the Stone Ages, and even this will not be strengthened on it, and yo...

Profit methods from the Internet in guaranteed sites 2020

1- Some sites profit from the internet:                                                                   There are a lot of websites that will pay you to do various tasks, such as testing products. These sites can be relied upon for additional income. Here are the best sites to profit from the Internet: MOBROG - A unique polling site available in several languages ​​including Arabic, run by a German marketing research company known as Splendid Research GMbH, and because of this international ownership, it is already available to anyone who lives in more than 60 different countries. Whereas some poll sites have membership limited to a few countries. Profit from a single survey sometimes reaches $ 3, and you can withdraw profits when you reach $ 6. SWAGBUCKS -  is an excellent site for profit by doin...

فوز المغربي عادل تاويل في مسابقة سديم

                                                                                  1                                           من هو عادل تاويل عادل تاويل  .. شاب مغربي يُتوج بلقب أفضل صانع محتوى في العالم العربي، فاز المغربي  بجائزة سديم في نسختها الثالثة، كأفضل صانع محتوى في العالم العربي، بعد اجتياز المسابقة النهائية بنجاح، التي اعتمدت على تصويت المتابعين بنسبة خمسين بالمائة، فضلا عن قرارات لجنة التحكيم في الخمسين بالمائة المتبقية                                                                   ...

corona virus (covid - 19)

                                                                                  1                                         Corona virus apears Corona virus appeared in China, and it had several names such as: the new Corona virus, the emerging corona virus, or Covid 19, the new mutated corona virus, or the Corona virus; the initial reports of its spread began in mid-December of 2019, etc. Cases registered with his infection are still increasing rapidly in the beginning of 2020, and the total confirmed cases of the new virus have reached 1,200,000 since the outbreak began, and caused the death of more than 100,000 individuals. For the article on 9-04-2020, it is important to ...