corona virus (covid - 19)


                                      Corona virus apears

Corona virus appeared in China, and it had several names such as: the new Corona virus, the emerging corona virus, or Covid 19, the new mutated corona virus, or the Corona virus; the initial reports of its spread began in mid-December of 2019, etc. Cases registered with his infection are still increasing rapidly in the beginning of 2020, and the total confirmed cases of the new virus have reached 1,200,000 since the outbreak began, and caused the death of more than 100,000 individuals. For the article on 9-04-2020, it is important to mention also that the cure rate is M. According to the current statistics, the new virus is estimated at about 69%, and in contrast, the death rate is approximately 4%. The Chinese authorities have announced that the first cases of the new virus are due to their origins in the Chinese city of Wuhan, and it has spread widely since then, although From taking strong precautionary measures by China to confront the spread of the new virus, by closing the city of Wuhan, and some surrounding cities, by preventing it from traveling to or from it via all means of transportation.

                              Corona virus symtoms

Reports stated that most cases of infection with about 80% of the new Corona virus show slight to moderate symptoms, while 20% of them suffer from more severe infections and symptoms including:
Pneumonia and respiratory failure, accordingly we mention the following symptoms and signs of infection with the new coronavirus:
Coughing. Sneeze. High fever and fever. In some severe cases, the symptoms included pneumonia, acute respiratory distress, kidney failure, and death; the appearance of these symptoms is more common in some special groups such as: those with weakened immune systems, people with heart and lung disease, the elderly, and young children.


                           Corona virus prevention methods               

uIt is the only way to prevent it by following the general advice and guidelines to limit the transmission of infection from one person to another, and with the start of recording new infections with the Kwiona virus in a number of countries, it is necessary to follow preventive and preventive measures, and these instructions will help its followers to reduce the risk of infection with forms of infection Various such as: colds, flu, and others, and we mention from these tips and guidance provided by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for the prevention of the new Corona virus the following:
_ Wash hands for at least twenty seconds with soap and water regularly, and if soap and water is not available, alcohol-based hand sanitizers can be used. Avoid touching or rubbing the eyes, nose, or face with unwashed hands.
Avoid direct contact with individuals with respiratory infections.
Staying at home in the event of a respiratory infection to avoid transmitting the infection to others. Cover the nose and mouth when sneezing or coughing with a tissue, and dispose of them appropriately afterward.


                                    Corona  virus detection            

End of 2019, another type of corona, known as the Corona Virus 2019 or Wuhan virus, appeared. Corona virus can be detected by doing laboratory tests, but it is available in limited laboratories because it is not so much the case that people usually have mild symptoms.


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