What are the conditions for admission to Adsense and how do you earn from it 2020?

How your channel works ?

Nothing is worse than the period during which your channel suffers from a stagnation in the number of subscribers, which is something that Felix also went through, which is why you give him some advice to get past that stage and move your channel to another level of success.
First: Do not follow the methods for publishing large channels
Although the title of the item may seem ambiguous at first glance, it is very important, because you should not take from the behavior of large channels a model that you follow to increase your audience, meaning that you should not present the same ideas or follow the same frequency of posting videos or otherwise, because the owners Large channels are no longer interested in increasing the number of subscribers unlike you completely, as you must follow a different method to increase the popularity of your channel.
There are a lot of ways to do this and the answers abound on this topic, but what matters here is not to follow the methods of spreading big channels.
Second: Remind your audience by subscribing to your channel
This step may seem very intuitive, but it is one of the things that will increase the number of your subscribers significantly, so do not neglect it, and you may find it unnecessary because who will admire the content you submit will automatically subscribe to the channel, which is supposed to happen in this way. This step is a reminder of not Except.

There are many ways to remind your followers to subscribe, you can remind them in the last seconds of the video, but there are those who do it with its inception which is something that Felix does not like, so implement this step in a smart, smooth manner and not make it look like a compulsion to the viewer.
Third: Show your own fingerprint
Felix re-notes the same point he made in the first video but with additional things, as he urges you not to imitate the content provided by large channels because the audience will not prefer to watch the content of your channel if it is smaller than watching the content that is already present in larger and more popular channels, and for this stresses Felix on the necessity of finding unique content for you and your personality and finding this type of content is the most difficult step but in return it is considered the key to success on the platform.

To be able to choose the content that best suits your channel, you can present different things and ideas in each video, and then monitor your followers ’reaction to each video and the idea, and determine what they liked most, their curiosity, focus on it and develop it in return, despite the fact that the distinctive content may celebrate you and bring you a large audience, However, its impact may not last until you find that your audience stopped growing after a while, so you should always think about the next step to promote your content in some way, and this is exactly what happened with Felix, as it was very popular after he launched the horror series, but His fans stopped growing after a while, so he intended to Implementing a smart move as he was collecting the best shots from that series within one video and publishing it, noting a direct increase in the number of subscribers, because this idea was like a creamy and intense snippet of the content of the Felix channel, just like the teaser that comes out for films, so I search for distinctive content For you and find out the best way to promote it and reach it to the largest number of people.

What are the condition for admission the google AdSense ?

After the new update and the decision that Google Adsense imposed on YouTube channel owners, which is 4000 hours of viewing and a thousand subscribers, to add monetization to the channel, everyone is at a loss because it is a difficult decision to achieve for start-up channels, but in this article we will learn about the best ways to try to mistake this decision to start making income Easily
First and the most important thing is to overcome laziness and neglect and believe me, once you try these things, your life will change 180 degrees and you will become a successful person.
Secondly, Google AdSense likes YouTube channel owners to appear in the face until they are accepted quickly, and even if you notice that most of the famous YouTube people appear in the videos, who are the owners of pranks, funny videos, and challenge food, etc.



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