
عرض المشاركات من مايو, 2020

What are the conditions for admission to Adsense and how do you earn from it 2020?

How your channel works ? Nothing is worse than the period during which your channel suffers from a stagnation in the number of subscribers, which is something that Felix also went through, which is why you give him some advice to get past that stage and move your channel to another level of success. First: Do not follow the methods for publishing large channels Although the title of the item may seem ambiguous at first glance, it is very important, because you should not take from the behavior of large channels a model that you follow to increase your audience, meaning that you should not present the same ideas or follow the same frequency of posting videos or otherwise, because the owners Large channels are no longer interested in increasing the number of subscribers unlike you completely, as you must follow a different method to increase the popularity of your channel. There are a lot of ways to do this and the answers abound on this topic, but what matters here is not t...