the healthy

Ther is some advices let you be healty on this periode of corona                          virus (covid - 19)


                                          what is health

Health is the general state of the body and mind, with reference to the integrity of the functions of all parts of the body, recovery from any illnesses, and the individual's psychological and mental happines, and health is the extent of the individual's physical, emotional, mental, and social ability to adapt to the environment that surrounds him.


                                 Health - keeping behavoirs

Health services in the world have evolved and medicine has evolved also, by treating some diseases that were incurable or deadly, and human behavior has become an important element to maintain the general health of the body, so behaviors must be improved by following the following:
Adhering to healthy habits. Get support from health professionals. Maintaining the right weight by reducing the calories eaten, which leads to an increased sense of vitality and vitality. Eating healthy food.  Exercise Fighting diseases, by following a proper diet, and maintaining blood pressure in the body, this leads to a healthy blood flow, and reduces the risk of heart disease. Adopting a healthy lifestyle and breaking the bad habits of eating takeaway, as this helps reduce disease and improves physical health.


                                        The importance of healty food

A healthy diet is of great importance to benefit all parts of the body, as it supports it in 
performing its various functions, and helps protect cells from environmental damage and repair damaged ones, as it helps the protein to rebuild the affected tissues, and boosts the work of the immune system, while providing Carbohydrates and fats are the energy needed for the body, and each of the vitamins and minerals enters the body’s various processes. For example, Vitamin C and Vitamin A, in addition to Vitamin E, work as antioxidants against various toxins. As for the Vitamin B family, they help the body. Ali It extracts energy from food, and phosphorus and calcium maintain bone strength and health, as well as sodium and potassium, which help the body transmit nerve signals. 







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